Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Extraordinary Gifts

Each day is a gift; every now and then, there comes a day that is an extraordinary gift. Yesterday was such a day.

It didn't start so well...I tripped over one of my shoes and fell backward onto my well padded derrière and my right arm. My right shoulder is already pretty messed up (I really do need to go see my doc when I get home!) so I needed some Advil right away. My whole body felt a bit rattled...ah, the joys of "pushing 50." Took a little while to shake that off, but once I got dressed, I was ready for our adventure.

We figured out the route from Salem to Newport, though there was conflicting info between Google Maps and Jenny's GPS about how long the drive would be. No matter...it was such a gorgeous day, any length of drive would have been fine. "Scenic" doesn't do it justice. These eyes, used to looking at desert landscape, were feasting on all the green trees, lush lawns, and so many kinds of flowers along the way. As we neared our destination, The Chowder Bowl, we were delighted to see the cute town of Newport --Lots of little shops and cafés, a few higher- end restaurants, and the ocean (!!!!) just a few blocks away.

We met up with our friend, Anna, and a couple of friends she's brought to Oregon while on fall break from college. We had a warming lunch involving various combinations of fried or grilled seafood and shellfish, and wonderful clam chowder...each bowl with a little bit of butter floating on top; perfect on a crisp autumn day.

The weather was glorious -- a few wispy clouds in an otherwise clear blue sky. I didn't need to wear a sweatshirt under my jacket, but the scarf Jenny loaned me was nice to keep the wind off my neck. I never felt cold, just a bit nippy at times. We split off from the younger girls and walked slowly along the beach, the sun so bright and the water so glistening. I love the ocean's roar -- just loud enough to be background music to our deep conversation. We found a rock formation to sit and lie on, and as we began to pray together, I got the sense of being on God's large lap. The rock was unexpectedly comfortable, and we stayed there for quite awhile, talking and praying, until...

Jenny saw a sea lion!! It was about 50 feet from us. We jumped up, and watched it lift its head up to the sky, looking almost royal as it did...and then it would plop down and rest for awhile, and then crawl for a bit, and then plop down again. It seemed to be trying to make its way to the ocean, but having some trouble. We weren't sure what to do. Our young friends came over to see this wonderful creature, and we were all concerned for it, but again, at a loss for what to do. Another couple came by and said they thought they'd seen a sign with a phone number on it, so I investigated and found out the sea lion might have some kind of bacterial infection in its kidneys and the only thing to do was to leave it alone and let it rest. Plus the disease it might have is transmittable to humans...glad none of us touched the poor thing!

We went on our way, walking and talking and praying and soaking up the sun and the air and the sea. We said goodbye to the beach and explored the town a little. Took a long walk to find an ice cream shop because I always want ice cream on a trip to the beach (something left over from my childhood, I think). Caramel apple ice cream with big chunks of apple...something I'd not had before...frozen apple reminded me a lot of frozen grapes (which I love)...very refreshing and icy. Long walk back to the car and then the drive home, with an amazing sunset behind us. Jenny and I both agree we want to come back to Newport and explore it more. I'm sure she'll make it there long before I will, but I look forward to hearing about her next adventure in that cute town.

Back home, we brought out the bottle of champagne I'd bought and Erich, Jenny and I toasted their new home and new life and our friendship. And I gave them the "memory book" I'd put together from their going-away party. Lots of pictures and handwritten notes from friends. I love putting things together, with little scrapbooking decorations to make it more personal and special. I can't draw to save my life, but I can put stickers on things in a cute enough way! :)

Jenny and I then went out for a very late dinner at La Capitale, which is the only French restaurant in Salem, I think. (Aside from the coffee and crepe place, which we will visit for breakfast tomorrow.) We both felt more in the mood for nibbles than a meal, so we ordered fried almonds with sea salt and also parsnip chips to start. Unusual things, and so delicious. We then split an order of escargots with hazelnuts (loved the texture and flavor!) and then shared a charcuterie tray (different meats, olives, pickled veggies) and a cheese tray (3 kinds of cheese, with chutney and candied hazelnuts, and a few fruits). It was perfect, along with a lovely red wine.

I sat there, thinking not only about the day, but about the gift of this friendship. Jenny has seen me at my worst, and at my most desperate, and she loves me still. She isn't afraid of my intensity. I don't have to hold back anything when I'm with her. We laugh hard and pray harder. We both love food and wine and all things French (she's actually French and fluent; I'm just a wannabe!). We walk together on the journey of healing, on the journey toward Jesus, being gutly honest with Him (and each other) about what's going on in our lives and our souls. To find this sense of safety with one another is more than a blessing.

All friendships are gifts; this one, like the day we shared yesterday, is an extraordinary gift.

I am so thankful.

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