Friday, March 16, 2012

A SAD Week

The rainy season is upon us here in the Bay Area. I have a moderate case of Seasonal Affectedness Disorder (aka SAD) so an entire week of cloud cover with rain has taken more than a bit of a toll on my mood.  I'd pretty much forgotten what SAD feels like since I lived in one of the sunniest cities in the States for almost 10 years before moving back here last May. Every now and then we'd get three days in a row of solid gloom, but that was rare.

I was OK on Monday and Tuesday, started to feel the shift on Wednesday, now it's Friday evening and I'm ready to hole up for weeks with vats of pasta, cheap chocolate (e.g. Dark Snickers) and bad TV. I don't want to be around people AT ALL; this E/I split (in Myers-Briggs speak) is now an extreme I, ready to sign up for life as a hermit. Everything is annoying, even kindness. A well meaning friend asked me how my day was, and I wanted to bite her head off. (Alright, cracks about how I'm already like this due to menopause!) I didn't, of course, but here alone in my room, I start to fume at how much work it takes to just be polite. I am even more sensitive to noise than usual; the pitter-patter of the rain is no longer's like a leaf blower...JUST MAKE IT STOP!

So it's definitely necessary to remove my SAD self (ha ha!) from society until the sun shines again, which is supposed to be tomorrow, according to They'd better be right or someone's going to f***ing pay.


Sort of.

(We now return to our Lenten programming...)

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain as you know. I wish light boxes weren't so expensive. I'd get one in a heart beat. Hugs and prayers for SUN!!!!
