Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Talk and Walk

Some things have happened recently where I've found myself thinking, "They talk a good talk..." Of course in doing so, I have judged that person, my compassion has gone out the window, and as I lean in to deal with the speck in their eye, I am whacking them with the log sticking out of my own.

I mean, really...how many of us always walk what we talk? We are full of strong belief and good intentions, and I do trust the Lord when He says He looks at the heart. He also says that faith without works is dead. So I have to look in the mirror and see the areas where I'm not walking my talk either. I "care" about the homeless, but when have I actually DONE anything, other than give a few bucks here and there to someone on the street? Oh I googled "soup kitchen Tucson" a couple of times, but that's as far as that went.

I think most of us mean what we say when we say it, but have a hard time with the follow-through. It doesn't make us liars, it just means we're humans with big hearts who want to do the right thing and have right relationships but are often too busy, too scared, too forgetful, too [fill-in-your-adjective-here] to do so. In this moment, as I type this, I feel the Lord whisper, "Lay down your toos."

Am I too [something] to be able to walk my talk? Too afraid to speak truth so I keep silent and get resentful? Too vulnerable to reveal my heart so walls go up between me and a loved one? Too overwhelmed with my own life so I don't reach out to those around me? Too tired to chop fresh vegetables and make a salad, so I eat processed food ?

And that's just the start of the list.

I need to go take a walk.

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