Tuesday, November 2, 2010

And How Are You?

since when did it become a 'should'
to tell someone "oh, it's all good"
when asked how I feel today
(is it not okay to be not okay?)
if, instead, I were to say
"dismissed, disregarded
like junk mail discarded"
what would the reaction be
to that level of honesty?

"I will be glad and rejoice in Your unfailing love for You have seen my troubles, and You care about the anguish of my soul." -- Psalm 31:7


  1. So true. I say ok even when not unless it's a close friend. If I'm having a bad day I don't want to tell why over and over. It is true however we all do this I feel in some form or another. I do hope you are well even though it's a rough ride right now.

  2. Yeah...I hear you, Chrissy. I don't like to repeat the yuck over and over, but I also don't like floating through life with a fake face, either. It seems to be one of my missions in life to find the "radical middle."

    We talk about not wearing masks in church, but it happens all the time. I'd like to find a maskless community. It's just where I am right now...and since I have a blog, I decided to say it. :) (Thanks for being one of the places where I can have that level of honesty!!)
