Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Point of You

Today's reading led me to the passage in Mark 8 where Jesus reprimands Peter -- "Get away from me, Satan!" he said. "You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God's." (New Living Translation)

How often do I succumb to this myself? (Too often.) It's so easy to sum up a situation based only on what I see, think or feel, but God sees The Big Picture I can't see. His purposes and plans go far beyond my thoughts or emotions in the moment. I'm so grateful for this reminder that I need to "pray without ceasing" -- à la 1Thessalonians -- for the mind of Christ...for wisdom...and for my spiritual eyes to be opened so I can see things from an eternal perspective. Easier said than done at times, especially when the stakes seem high.

I so relate to Peter...he didn't want to believe his Lord and close friend would be killed. He even went so far as reprimanding Jesus! Can you imagine? Reprimanding Jesus?!! But Peter was a man of deep feelings and passion, and he was impulsive.

Didn't I say yesterday that "No, Lord" is an oxymoron?

So Jesus responds with an in-your-face reprimand, rebuking the spirit behind what Peter was saying. Do we ever have the guts to do that...to say to a close friend or loved one, "That's from the enemy; I rebuke that!"? I've seen it done, and I've done it myself a few times. It's a powerful moment...but there's no guarantee how the person receiving the rebuke will respond; that's in God's hands.

I sit here, faced with some situations where I know I'm looking at things only from a human point of view...not wanting to ruffle feathers...not wanting to upset the apple cart. But I also recognize I am missing The Big Picture when I do this. Lord, have mercy.

"How pointless is my point of view, until I reach the point of You." (Thanks, Ryan Green.)


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