Thursday, January 5, 2012

Truth and Dare

Telling the truth is important to me, and often that means saying what's broken about something, someone (including myself!) or some situation, which usually involves relationships. Part of it comes from growing up in a family where life was all veneer and no one talked about what was really fact, there were far too many secrets and lies, and I determined to not live that way as an adult. Part of it comes from a prophetic bent God's put in me to speak things that no one else will, like the kid who shouted that the emperor wasn't actually wearing clothes. And part of it is because I desperately long to see God's healing come into people, relationships, churches, etc., and the first step toward healing is talking about what's broken or diseased.

That being said, truth-telling isn't just about what's wrong, it's also about what's right. Paul exhorts us to "...fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." (Phil. 4:8) My spiritual mother (aka "Mama Grace") has often reminded me that whatever I dwell on will become larger in my soul. So while I know part of my raison d'etre is to provide correctives (I don't love editing and proofreading for no reason!), I also know that an important part of being a Jesus-follower is to give thanks in all things and cling to what is good (1Thessalonians 5:18; Romans 12:9). But since this isn't always my natural first response to life, I am grateful for help along the way to bring that corrective to me.

This morning I came upon something called "The Joy Dare" from author Ann Voskamp. She has taken the idea of a gratitude journal and run with it, assigning three different "gifts" to look for each day so that by the end of the year, she'll have identified and given thanks for over a thousand gifts. In fact, she's written a book called One Thousand Gifts. I haven't read it but it's on my list. I've decided to take her up on this challenge. To give you an idea, here's the first week's "dare" from January:

1. 3 things about yourself you are grateful for
2. a gift outside, inside, on a plate
3. 3 lines you overheard that were graces
4. one gift old, new & blue
5. something you're reading, you're making, you're seeing
6. one thing in your bag, your fridge, your heart
7. 3 graces from people you love

You can find the complete month's list HERE.

Wanna join me?
P.S. It's not your imagination...I changed the title of the blog and also the design...a fresh look for a new year!


  1. I'm thankful for this:

    "My spiritual mother (aka 'Mama Grace') has often reminded me that whatever I dwell on will become larger in my soul."

    It's going in my quote collection, and on the wall in front of my desk.

  2. I'm convinced that grace is the opposite of obsession. Anything interrupts rumination from a spiritual angle, like gratitude, meditation, prayer, a good laugh, and your list, is like going back into the Garden.
