Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Purpose-Driven Life

"We are not human doings, we are human beings," I have been known to say.

Now I get to walk the talk.

This is a very interesting season for me. I am in a new home in a new town where I don't know anyone. I don't have a job or a ministry or even a church to attend...yet. The dogs aren't even here...yet. My calendar is, for the most part, completely empty, and I am alone for 13+ hours each weekday.

I could say, "Be careful what you wish for," as much of my adult life has been so hectic (sometimes frenetic!) and for many years Glenn worked at home, so I rarely had the house to myself. The calendar was always filled with various church/ministry/school activities, meetings and appointments and it often took a lot of schedule finagling to find a couple of hours to spend with a friend, especially when I added a part-time job to the mix! Kids were always present in one way or another. Now, the house is silent and tidy. (Not that I'm complaining!)

Have I had some times of being down? You bet. But for the most part, I feel like I have been given an amazing gift...a Divine respite/breather/time of rest. There are things I *could* do (one look in our disorganized filing cabinets would tell you that). But for now, I am glad to finally BE, because frankly, I have been mentally/physically/emotionally EXHAUSTED for a looong time.

So I move slowly. Breathe deeply. Soak in the green foliage around me. Talk to God and read the Word. Listen to music. Play online Scrabble. Chat with friends on Facebook. Watch TV shows on hulu.com that I've missed. Read magazines and books. Nibble on dark chocolate. I'm finally getting enough energy back that I'm ready to start slowly exploring my new town and go walking on the beach. (I hope to be able to walk to the beach and back every day, but I need to work up to that!)

And there is finally time and emotional space to process the past couple of years.

(True confessions -- There are days I feel like I "should" be playing the piano/guitar and singing, but that's how I know it's not time yet...it will come.)

A couple of days ago I was feeling a lack of purpose, which I think would be normal under these circumstances. Since then, I have felt the nudge of the Father, reminding me that I was created for relationship with Him first; my purpose has always been, and will always be, to be His child. And it is this purpose that drives me, whether I'm doing or being.

That's my "purpose-driven" life for now, and it is enough.

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