Sunday, June 26, 2011

C is for...

I went to a Church this evening which absolutely delighted me. It was mostly younger-than-me people (e.g. the pastor is 32!) who are Completely passionate about Creating a Cross-Centered, Christ-following Community...with a capital C...kind of stunning for this day and age, really. Their information contained words like Covenant, Commitment and even Confrontation. Suddenly I didn't feel like such an old fogey after all. They are absolutely open to Conversation with the Curious and skeptical while being completely serious in their pursuit of truth and looking intently (and intensely) at what Scripture has to say about everything. Short of being a "house church," they want to, as much as possible, live a first-century life within the twenty-first-century culture. I was more than impressed.

I had the opportunity to Chat with the pastor at the end of the service and to pray for him. He's got a big heart and a big vision for his small-but-growing flock. And while I don't know if I will join them on their particular journey, I wanted very much to bless this shepherd and his very serious desire to live "life together" (à la Bonhoeffer).

(Check them out at

1 comment:

  1. Sounds interesting. I'm going to check out the web site. I'm glad you were able to experience this.
