Monday, January 24, 2011

I'm Nina and I'll be Your Wait-er...

I had a complete breakdown at the end of church yesterday. (Grateful it's the kind of place where one can sob and no one thinks anything of the best sense). Grabbed a trustworthy, kindred soul to pray for me. Her words were so life-giving...I cried even harder. In the midst of pain, love pierced the heart and brought even more tears. Cleansing. Freeing.

We really do need each other, to speak those "words in season," be they soft or tough. Yesterday seemed to be a time for soft...ointment to my soul...affirming who God made me to be, rekindling the longings of my heart and beginning to stir vision for the future.

Then today, in Beth Moore's study on Esther, I came upon this question: "Has a negative event or a near-eternal wait made you lose hope about something important to you? Do you have any natural reasons to think that whatever your 'once upon a time' might have been, it can never be now?" I wrote "*gulp*" in response.

But I've been here before; I know the drill. Wait. Stay present. Wait. Lament. Wait. Trust. Wait. Long. Wait. Rest. Wait. Wait. Wait...

"Those that wait [hope, trust] on the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint." -Isaiah 40:31


  1. I'm with you Nina. I'm happy that you have someone there for you. I love Beth Moore!! I miss doing her studies. She really speaks to the heart. I love you!!!
